Posturing Yourself to Hear from God 1. Be Still so You Can Hear or (Open Your Ears) -Ps 46:10 In this busy world
we have to learn to listen for the voice of God. As God shares His heart with us, we get to "know" Him better and better.
Be Alert so You Can See or (Open Your Eyes) -John 5:19 Jesus only did what He saw the Father do. We will miss an opportunity
to join God in what He is doing if we are not alert. -Also we are to be alert to discern Satan's schemes against us. -In
addition, being alert enables us to recognize the needs that other people have in their lives.
3. Be Humble so You
Can Learn or (Open Your Heart) 1 Peter 5:5-6 Our pride can block us from God's grace. A sign in the High School where I
grew up read, "It is what you learn after you know it all that counts." The same is true in the spirit realm. When we receive
God's grace we become enabled to do the will and work of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.