Many a lighthouse sits by the edge of the sea with its light penetrating the darkness of night, warning all passing ships
of the dangers that lie ahead and guiding them to a safe harbor.
Become as one of these lighthouses and let your light so shine before your fellowman that they see Jesus Christ in you,
also be a guide and lead then to the foot of the cross.
Ask Jesus Christ the "Light" of the world to come into your life and when the trials and tribulations of life get you down
turn to the "Light" of the world and He in turn will give you the courage and the means by which you can endure.
Turn not your back on the "Light" of life, but rather let your own light shine and share what you have experienced in your
pursuit of eternal life, encourage your fellowman to become the person that God intended them to be.
Be a keeper of that "Light", share it with those you meet on your road of life, for in so doing you just might say or do
something that can make a difference in some one else' life.
As the "Light" of life has made a difference in your life so can it change the lives of all whom the "Light" shines upon,
all who shy away from the "Light" will indeed face a bleak future?
Where the "Light" of life shines evil cannot exist, nor can evil keep us from our Savior's side if we bathe in the "Light".
As you walk your road of life keep your eye on the "Light" (Jesus Christ) of life and He will guide you through the shoals
of sin and keep your ship of life from floundering on the rocks of despair.
Become a light keeper of your own light, keep it shinning through thick and thin, it can and will lead you to the foot
of the cross and eventually to the pearly gates of heaven.
@2008 Merrill Phillips