Innocent blood shed for the guilty, The blood of our precious Lord... Unbelievers put Him to death, As
was promised in God’s Word.
They took Him before their ruler, The tool of the Roman Empire; They found
Him guilty of sedition, And dressed Him in royal attire.
They led Him through the streets in shame. They beat
Him, gave Him a thorny crown, To make His misery much more dreadful. He bore the cross, but in fatigue fell down.
laid Him in a borrowed tomb; There in that grave, His body lay. They set a guard by the place Throughout the night
and the day.
We praise His name, He arose to Glory, First seen by Mary at His hallowed tomb, Then, by many who
dearly loved Him, His appearance lifting all the gloom!
One day He’s coming back To gather His followers
to His Heart. We’ll all fly away to that beautiful place Where we’ll sing together, and will never part.