l feel a warn?, glow deep inside, may the Lord's blessings be upon this house.
His love I feel when I lay my body to rest, protecting me while I sleep.
To sloop all night and rise to a rising sun is all 1 oan ask, for some awake not, they have gene on to tneir heavenly rest.
As the beauty of springs breads forth I stroll down a wooded oath, listening to my feathery friends as they wing from place
to place.
Their songs of spring stirs my soul and I too sing praises unto the King of the universe, surly the lord's blessings is
upon this place.
In the prime of life I am stirred to study His \vcrd and apply it to my life, for I know for sure that God has blessed
my life.
God has opened His floodgates and showered me with His love and all I need to carry on my life, freely He has given, so
freelv T will
God has blessed me beyond my dreams, He sent His onlw Sor': Ge^us Christ to oay *~he penait'-'" for my sins, I in return
shall spond the rest of my life serving Him.
~~, -S God who created us. not we ourselves, when he blesses us it is for us to pass these blessings or. by setting an
example for others t" see.
Seeing, tnev may come to believe ana turn from their wicked ways and become an example for those who will come after them,
for this ~s the way it was meant to be, may God's blessings be upon all who come to believe.
Surly God's blessings are upon those wno seek to do ciis will, now ana forevermore God's blessings will lead to life without
62006 Merr^li